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Snapshot Interface Props

Accepted Props

The Snapshot interface component accepts the following props:

client_idstring" "YesAny valid string"abc123"This is used to identify your account.
quick_promptsjson'[]'NoValid JSON array'["Prompt 1", "Prompt 2", "Prompt 3"]'An array of quick prompts to display in the interface.
first_namestring" "NoAny valid string"Athena"The first name of the user.
meta_datajson'{}'YesValid JSON object{"user_type": "premium"}Additional metadata to pass to the interface.
session_idstring" "YesAny valid string (could be a UUID or your user id)"qnhhef85......"This will be used to keep track of conversational flow .
button_sizestringmdNo'sm', 'md', 'lg'"lg"The size of the trigger button.
  1. client_id:

    • This is a crucial prop used to identify your account.
    • It must your valid client id which can be found in your portal.
    • Example: "abc123"
  2. quick_prompts:

    • This prop allows you to provide an array of quick prompts to be displayed in the interface.
    • It's optional and defaults to an empty array if not provided.
    • The value should be a valid JSON array of strings.
    • Example: '["What's new?", "How can I help?", "Tell me more"]'
  3. first_name:

    • This prop is used to personalize the interface with the user's first name.
    • It's optional and defaults to an empty string if not provided.
    • Any valid string can be used.
    • Example: "John"
  4. meta_data:

    • This prop is used to pass additional metadata to the interface.
    • It's required and should be a valid JSON object.
    • Use this to provide any extra information that might be relevant to the interface or backend processing.
    • Example: '{"user_type": "premium", "language": "en"}'
  5. session_id:

    • This prop is crucial for maintaining the conversational flow.
    • It's required and should be a unique identifier for each session.
    • You can use a UUID or your user's Id.
    • Example: "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"
  6. button_size:

    • This prop determines the size of the trigger button in the interface.
    • It's optional and defaults to "md" (medium) if not specified.
    • Allowed values are "sm" (small), "md" (medium), and "lg" (large).
    • Example: "lg"
// Generate a random 32 character alphanumeric value
const randomString = generateAlphanumericValue(32);

// Stringify your meta_data object
const metaData = () => {
const myObject = { user_type: "premium", language: "en" };
return JSON.stringify(myObject);

quick_prompts='["Prompt 1", "Prompt 2", "Prompt 3"]' // must be a valid JSON array

const generateAlphanumericValue = (length) => {
return [...Array(length)].map(() => Math.random().toString(36).charAt(2)).join("");

Remember to provide values for all required props (client_id, meta_data, and session_id) when using the Snapshot interface component in your application.