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View and test actions

Once you've created actions for your service, you can view, test, update, or delete them from the service details page.

Created actions

Creating a new service

Action Management

On the service details page, you'll find a list of all actions associated with that service. For each action, you can perform the following operations:

  1. View: See all the details of the action, including its name, description, input type, and endpoint information.

  2. Test: Try out the action to ensure it's working as expected. This feature allows you to input test data and see the response from your API in real-time.

  3. Update: Modify any aspect of the action, such as its description, input parameters, or endpoint details. This is useful for refining your action based on user feedback or API changes.

  4. Delete: Remove an action that is no longer needed or has been deprecated.

Actions details

Creating a new service

Metadata Template Requirement

Before testing an action, it's important to note that partners are required to fill out the metadata template in their profile page. This metadata provides essential information about your service and actions, which is crucial for proper integration and functionality within the Snapshot ecosystem.

To complete the metadata template:

  1. Navigate to your profile page in the Partner Portal.
  2. Look for the "Metadata Template" section.
  3. Fill in all required fields with accurate and up-to-date information about your service and actions.
  4. Save the changes.

Completing the metadata template ensures that your actions are properly utilized by Snapshot. It also helps in providing a seamless experience for end-users interacting with your service through the Snapshot interface.

Profile page

Creating a new service

Once you've filled out the metadata template, you can proceed to test your actions as described below.

Testing Actions

To test an action:

  1. In the action details page, Click on the "Test Endpoint" button which is located at the top of the page.
  2. You'll be presented with a modal with a Run button also located at the top right corner.
  3. The response will be displayed in the response section.

Creating a new service

This testing feature ensures the reliability and accuracy of your actions before they are used in production environments.